In our meeting room a short walk from the hotel.
We will gather for an introductory presentation that will give us an overview of the Greater Yellowstone area. Known for its geothermal activity and diverse ecosystems, Yellowstone spans 2.2 million acres of valleys, canyons, rivers, lakes and mountain ranges. Sometimes called “Wonderland,” the park is home to the highest concentration of wildlife in the lower 48 states. It is at the core of one of the last undisturbed ecosystems in the Earth’s temperate zone. Mid-morning, our instructor will describe today’s three hiking choices. Our daily hikes with expert commentary will involve direct, personal exploration of life zones such as marshland, high desert, forest, hydrothermal, and grasslands. We will divide into small groups according to hike choices and hop into our transportation for our first hiking field trip. We’ll ride into Yellowstone National Park to our first destination. As we enter the Mammoth District, we’ll right away notice the Mammoth Hot Springs that are the main attraction of this area. These features are quite different from thermal areas elsewhere in the park. Travertine formations grow much more rapidly than sinter formations due to the softer nature of limestone. As hot water rises through limestone, large quantities of rock are dissolved by the hot water, and a white chalky mineral is deposited on the surface. Mammoth Hot Springs are a surficial expression of the deep volcanic forces at work in Yellowstone. All three hikes will be in and around this area and will help determine comfort levels as we cover rocky terrain amid high elevations.
On the trail, we’ll have sack lunches.
We will continue our hikes immersed in the Yellowstone ecosystem and become more familiar with its various life zones. We’ll learn how their geologic bones — together with elevation and weather — evolved into vibrant habitats populated by the flora and fauna present today. For those up to the challenge, there will be an elective walk down several hundred stairs that lead over the large complex of hot springs on a hill of travertine terraces.
At a local restaurant.
At leisure. Enjoy the camaraderie of fellow Road Scholars and views from the back patio that overlooks the Yellowstone River.