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Traveling with Grandkids

Travel Tips for Grandparents


Choose Activities You Can Enjoy Together

Whether you’re traveling on a Grandparent adventure with Road Scholar or going on your own, be sure to choose a program or activities that you can both participate in. If you don’t feel comfortable going horseback riding, leave that activity for another time and choose a robot-building experience. Grandparent learning trips are an opportunity to really interact with and bond with your grandchild rather than watch them from the sidelines.


Encourage the Kids to Make Friends

One of the most valuable experiences you can give to your grandchild on a trip is to open their eyes to different people, cultures and experiences. When you choose a Grandparent trip with Road Scholar, your grandkids will have the opportunity to meet other kids from all over the country and the world, so encourage them to make friends!


Capture the Moment

Don’t forget your camera! Photos of the two of you are some of the best souvenirs you can come home with. Consider bringing an extra point-and-shoot camera for your grandchild to capture the experience from their perspective, and practice your “selfie” skills before you leave. To really wow the teenagers, learn how to use Facebook or Instagram before your trip!


Relax and Enjoy the Kids

Traveling can be stressful, especially when you’re traveling with little ones. But try to set your stress aside and enjoy your trip with your grandkids. Get down to your grandkids’ level and be silly! Try things you wouldn’t normally try. We can almost guarantee you’ll return home feeling younger than when you left. When you travel with Road Scholar, we’ll take care of all the details so you can relax and enjoy the moment.


Do the Planning Together

The bonding time can start before you even step into a train, plane or automobile! Involving your grandchild in the planning process can be a fun experience on its own and a reason to get together now and then before your trip. Plus it will guarantee that the activities or program you choose will be something you both find interesting and fun!