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Welcome, Road Scholar Alumni!

What's your Road Scholar Class Year?


Show your Road Scholar pride and let us know your Road Scholar Class Year. You can think of your Class Year like your high school or college graduation year. In this case, your Road Scholar graduation year is the year you completed your very first learning adventure with us.


For example, if your program with us began on December 28, 2016 and ended on January 5, 2017, you would be in the Road Scholar Class of 2017.



How do you update your class year?

How do you update your class year?

1. Sign into your Road Scholar account, found at the top of the page. 



2. After you have signed in, click on the arrow next to your username. Select "Personal Information."



3. On your Personal information page, in the section titled "The Basics," scroll until you see "Road Scholar Class Of" and select your class year from the list. 



Don't forget to hit "Save" at the bottom of the page! 

Have a milestone you're proud of?

Tell us in our Alumni Magazine.

We’ve created it just for you and your fellow Road Scholar alumni, so you can read the latest on Road Scholar happenings, hear from some of our best instructors and learn what your Road Scholar classmates have been up to. Do you have a milestone you’re proud of that you want to share in the magazine? Let us know! Just send an email to