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Southern Spain Yesterday & Today: Madrid, Granada & Seville

Program No. 22175RJ
From olive groves to world-renowned cathedrals, Southern Spain is a diverse region just waiting to be explored. Discover the very best of Madrid, Granada and Seville!

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At a Glance

Glorious Gothic cathedrals, intricately detailed synagogues, traditional Moorish neighborhoods and ancient Roman ruins: The icons of Southern Spain are a testament to its distinct history of conquest, culture and art. Discover the unique legacy and exuberant modern life in Madrid, Granada and Seville through expert-led walks, lectures and excursions. Join us to learn about some of the most diverse and exciting cities in all of Europe.
Activity Level
Let's Go!
Participants should be able to walk approximately three to five miles a day and stand for at least 60-90 minutes at a time over the course of a 13 day program. Many cobblestones, steep slopes and other uneven ground. Comfortable footwear is essential.
Small Group
Small Group
Love to learn and explore in a small-group setting? These adventures offer small, personal experiences with groups of 13 to 24 participants.

Best of all, you’ll…

  • Discover a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Alhambra Palace and Generalife gardens.
  • Explore the Museo Nacional del Prado, one of the world’s leading art museums.
  • Spend an exciting evening seeing Flamenco Dance in Seville. Meet a local expert for Alcázar Royal Palace visit.

General Notes

Program includes independent time to explore the city and several meals on your own. Group Leaders will provide directions for self-directed excursions. Suggestions for free-time activities provided in preparatory materials.
Featured Expert
All trip experts
Profile Image
Deborah Cole
Deborah Cole Díaz has been teaching Spanish history and geography for more than 22 years, at both the university and high school levels. She has found that lecturing with Road Scholars is by far the most fulfilling and enjoyable. Road Scholars are special, not simply interested in passing exams or obtaining diplomas, but are here to learn. They ask the most pertinent and interesting questions, both in the classroom and during field trips. Indeed, they want to understand the connection of history to contemporary events.

Please note: This expert may not be available for every date of this program.

Profile Image of Deborah Cole
Deborah Cole View biography
Deborah Cole Díaz has been teaching Spanish history and geography for more than 22 years, at both the university and high school levels. She has found that lecturing with Road Scholars is by far the most fulfilling and enjoyable. Road Scholars are special, not simply interested in passing exams or obtaining diplomas, but are here to learn. They ask the most pertinent and interesting questions, both in the classroom and during field trips. Indeed, they want to understand the connection of history to contemporary events.
Profile Image of Elena Moro
Elena Moro View biography
Elena Moro, born in Australia to an Andalusian family, is a professional Flamenco dancer. She began at the age of 5 and has toured all over Australia and parts of Asia with a Flamenco dance company. After many years traveling back and forth with dance scholarships, Elena now lives in Seville. She has worked with Road Scholar for almost ten years as a Group Leader and travelled to most parts of Spain.
Profile Image of Maria Blanco
Maria Blanco View biography
Maria Blanco was born and raised in Extremadura, a region located north of Andalusia and east of Portugal. She studied art and graphic design at the University of Seville and at universities in England and the Netherlands. Throughout her professional career, she has combined her work as a group leader with other artistic and graphic design functions. Maria is passionate about the simple pleasures of life, especially music, art and, meeting people who provide her new perspectives.
Profile Image of Francisco García
Francisco García View biography
Francisco García was born in Madrid and received his B.A. in history from The Complutense University in Madrid. He then continued his studies at the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees, specializing in medieval history; he also lectured there. He spent all of 1997 at the University of California in Berkeley on a Fulbright Investigative Scholarship. He is presently a professor at St. Louis University, Madrid Campus as an expert on the history of Spain.
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Program No.
13 days
Program Begins
Program Concludes
Group Type
Small Group
Activity Level
At a Glance
Glorious Gothic cathedrals, intricately detailed synagogues, traditional Moorish neighborhoods and ancient Roman ruins: The icons of Southern Spain are a testament to its distinct history of conquest, culture and art. Discover the unique legacy and exuberant modern life in Madrid, Granada and Seville through expert-led walks, lectures and excursions. Join us to learn about some of the most diverse and exciting cities in all of Europe.
Best of all, you'll...
  • Discover a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Alhambra Palace and Generalife gardens.
  • Explore the Museo Nacional del Prado, one of the world’s leading art museums.
  • Spend an exciting evening seeing Flamenco Dance in Seville. Meet a local expert for Alcázar Royal Palace visit.
General Notes
Program includes independent time to explore the city and several meals on your own. Group Leaders will provide directions for self-directed excursions. Suggestions for free-time activities provided in preparatory materials.
Featured Expert
Profile Image
Deborah Cole
Deborah Cole Díaz has been teaching Spanish history and geography for more than 22 years, at both the university and high school levels. She has found that lecturing with Road Scholars is by far the most fulfilling and enjoyable. Road Scholars are special, not simply interested in passing exams or obtaining diplomas, but are here to learn. They ask the most pertinent and interesting questions, both in the classroom and during field trips. Indeed, they want to understand the connection of history to contemporary events.
Please Note:
This expert may not be available for every date of the program
Profile Image of Elena Moro
Elena Moro
Elena Moro, born in Australia to an Andalusian family, is a professional Flamenco dancer. She began at the age of 5 and has toured all over Australia and parts of Asia with a Flamenco dance company. After many years traveling back and forth with dance scholarships, Elena now lives in Seville. She has worked with Road Scholar for almost ten years as a Group Leader and travelled to most parts of Spain.
Profile Image of Maria Blanco
Maria Blanco
Maria Blanco was born and raised in Extremadura, a region located north of Andalusia and east of Portugal. She studied art and graphic design at the University of Seville and at universities in England and the Netherlands. Throughout her professional career, she has combined her work as a group leader with other artistic and graphic design functions. Maria is passionate about the simple pleasures of life, especially music, art and, meeting people who provide her new perspectives.
Profile Image of Francisco García
Francisco García
Francisco García was born in Madrid and received his B.A. in history from The Complutense University in Madrid. He then continued his studies at the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees, specializing in medieval history; he also lectured there. He spent all of 1997 at the University of California in Berkeley on a Fulbright Investigative Scholarship. He is presently a professor at St. Louis University, Madrid Campus as an expert on the history of Spain.
Activity Level
Let's Go!
Participants should be able to walk approximately three to five miles a day and stand for at least 60-90 minutes at a time over the course of a 13 day program. Many cobblestones, steep slopes and other uneven ground. Comfortable footwear is essential.
Small Group
Love to learn and explore in a small-group setting? These adventures offer small, personal experiences with groups of 13 to 24 participants.
Suggested Reading List
View Full List: 11 Books
You can also find many of the books we recommend at the Road Scholar store on, a website that supports local bookstores.
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While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of our published materials, programs are typically advertised more than a year prior to their start date. As a result, some program activities, schedules, accommodations, personnel, and other logistics occasionally change due to local conditions or circumstances. Should a major change occur, we will make every effort to alert you. For less significant changes, we will update you during orientation. Thank you for your understanding.
Tour Length
13 days
12 nights
What's Included
21 meals
11 Breakfasts
7 Lunches
3 Dinners
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Activity Note
Hotel check-in available by 2:00 PM. Walking approx. 1-2 miles; About 1 hour total
Upon arrival, leisurely check-into your room before orientation
On your own to enjoy what you like
Orientation. The Group Leader will greet everyone and lead introductions. We will review the up-to-date program schedule, discuss roles and responsibilities, logistics, safety guidelines, emergency procedures and answer questions. Periods in the daily schedule designated as “Free time” and “At leisure” offer opportunities to do what you like and make your experience even more meaningful and memorable according to your personal preferences. The Group Leader will be happy to make suggestions. During many of our visits we will encounter winding or hilly roads, as well as cobblestone streets and sidewalks. Comfortable and sturdy footwear is highly recommended. There will be extensive daily walking, often up to 4 miles, approx. 1-4 hours, at a steady pace. Program activities, schedules, personnel, and indicated distances or times may change due to local circumstances/conditions. In the event, we will alert you as quickly as possible. After orientation we’ll set out with our Group Leader for a walking exploration of the area around the hotel.
At a nearby restaurant, we´ll enjoy a welcome dinner with a delicious set menu with a choice of one beverage included; other beverages are available for purchase
At leisure. Continue getting to know your fellow participants, settle in, and get a good night's rest for the day ahead.
Activity Note
Driving approx. 3,5 miles total. Walking up to 3 miles throughout the day; steady pace. Sturdy comfortable footwear is highly recommended.
At the hotel, we’ll enjoy a tasty breakfast buffet featuring a variety of hot and cold items including egg dishes, breakfast breads and meats, cereals, fresh fruit, milk juice, coffee, tea and water.
We will depart from the hotel by private bus for Thyssen Museum to meet a local expert. They will lead our field trip to explore the history of art from the 13th right up until the 20th century. With over 1,600 paintings, it was once the second largest private collection in the world after the British Royal Collection .
At a restaurant in the city center, we’ll have a tasty set menu with a choice of one beverage included; other beverages available for purchase.
We will return to the hotel where we will be joined by a local expert on Spanish Culture for a presentation on the geography and early history of the Iberian peninsula. After a short break we´ll have a presentation on contemporary Spain given by the same expert.
On your own to enjoy what you like. On-site staff will be happy to make suggestions.
At leisure.
Activity Note
Driving approx. 3 miles. Walking up to 3 miles; steady pace. Sturdy comfortable footwear is highly recommended.
Hotel Buffet
We will take a private bus to the Prado for an art history class with a local expert. The Museo Nacional del Prado is one of the world’s leading galleries. The superb royal collection was assembled by Hapsburg and Bourbon Spanish monarchs from the 16th to early 19th centuries. The museum opened to the public in 1819 and has collected thousands of paintings since as well as sculptures, prints and drawings. Among the masterpieces are works by Bosch, Dürer, El Greco, Goya, Mantegna, Raphael, Rubens, Titian, Tintoretto, Van Eyck, Velázquez, and many more. Nine new galleries have been added since 1950. The Prado has become a prized destination for art lovers.
On your own to sample the local cuisine.
Free time. Take this opportunity for personal independent exploration to see and do what interests you most in Madrid.The Group Leader will be happy to offer suggestions.
On your own to enjoy what you like in Madrid. On-site staff will be happy to make suggestions.
At leisure.
Activity Note
Driving approx. 50 miles to Toledo, one way; approx. 1h 15m. Walking up to 4 miles throughout the day; Steady pace; cobblestone streets and many hills. Comfortable and sturdy footwear recommended.
Hotel Buffet
Departing from the hotel by private bus for a full-day field trip to explore some of the most important sites in medieval Toledo with its heritage of three co-existing cultures: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim. The approach to this World Heritage city provides breathtaking panoramic views. As the UNESCO inscription states, in its 2,000-year history Toledo has been a Roman municipium, capital of the kingdom of the Visigoths, a fortress of the Emirate of Córdoba and an outpost of the Christian kings fighting the Moors. After the Reconquista, remarkable Jewish religious monuments were built at the same time as churches. A local expert will lead our walk through the walled city including the Cathedral, the Sephardic Jewish Museum, and the Church of Santo Tomé with its painting by El Greco. Toledo Cathedral, one of Europe’s greatest Gothic structures, was built on the site of the Great Mosque which itself stood on the site of a Visigothic church. The Sephardic Museum preserves the legacy of Spanish-Jewish and Sephardic culture, housed in a 14th Century building that was once the Sinagoga del Tránsito, founded by the Jewish treasurer to the king of Castile. Over the centuries, it sheltered Jewish artisans, Moorish master builders, and Christian craftsmen. The Church of Santo Tomé, founded in the 12th Century, was rebuilt in the 14th Century thanks to the generosity of the Count of Orgaz, who is the subject of El Greco’s most famous painting, The Burial of the Count of Orgaz, which hangs in the chapel.
At a local restaurant in Toledo we’ll have a set menu with a choice of one beverage included; other beverages available for purchase.
A short free time in Toledo to explore on your own after lunch. We will return to Madrid late afternoon.
On your own to enjoy what you like. On-site staff will be happy to make suggestions.
At leisure. Be sure to prepare for check-out and transfer in the morning.
Activity Note
Driving about 300 miles to Granada with stops; approx. 6 hours total. Walking up to 3 miles throughout the day. Steady pace; Comfortable and sturdy footwear recommended.
Hotel Buffet
After check-out we’ll transfer by bus to Granada. On route, we will stop near the town of Baeza to explore the Museum of the Olive Tree Culture, situated in the protected environment Complejo Natural de La Laguna. We will learn from an expert about the history and production of this important Spanish export from ancient times to the contemporary era and taste the liquid gold. In the long garden, we will see varieties of olive trees from different Mediterranean countries.
At a nearby restaurant we’ll enjoy a set menu with a choice of beverages included; other beverages available for purchase.
We expect to arrive in Granada late afternoon. After checking in at the hotel and settling into your room, freshen up and enjoy an orientation about the local program and an introductory walk, followed by some relax time on your own.
On your own to enjoy what you like in Granada. On-site staff will be happy to make suggestions.
At leisure.
Activity Note
Driving approximately 9 miles throughout the day. Walking up to 4 miles throughout the day; Steady pace; cobblestone streets and many hills. Sturdy comfortable footwear is highly recommended.
The hotel buffet will include breakfast breads and pastries, cereal, butter, jam, coffee, tea, juice and water.
With a local expert, we will spend the morning at the magnificent Alhambra Palace and Generalife gardens overlooking Granada. The Alhambra began modestly as a fort around 889 CE. It gradually fell into ruins and was transformed in the 11th century by the Moorish sultan of Granada into a palace. Moorish poets described it as “a pearl set in emeralds.” It later became a royal residence of the Nasrid dynasty but was eventually abandoned after the Christian re-conquest. Finally, it was “rediscovered” in the 19th century and restorations began. Today, it is one of the world’s most significant examples of Islamic art and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Next, we will explore the adjacent Generalife, the summer palace and private retreat of the sultans. This was where they escaped official court life and its burdens, to relax and reflect amid exceptional man-made beauty.
At a local restaurant, we’ll have a set menu with a choice of one beverage included; other beverages available for purchase.
Back to the hotel where a local expert will join us for a presentation on Moorish Spain, which lasted from 711-1492 CE, and its influences. After the presentation we will enjoy some free time.
Dinner on your own. An opportunity to discover Granada's local cuisine.
At leisure.
Activity Note
Driving approximately 4,5 miles during the day. Walking up to 5 miles; cobblestone streets and many hills. Steady pace; Sturdy comfortable footwear is highly recommended.
Hotel Buffet
After breakfast, we will meet with a local expert for a walk to the Albayzín, with its well-preserved Moorish streets. The Albayzín is Granada's oldest Arab district, situated on the hill across from the Alhambra. In the 13th century it was a prosperous district with a slew of palaces and villas. Later, it became a maze of narrow streets and squares combined with a multitude of whitewashed houses. After the walk there will be a field trip to the Royal Chapel, final resting place of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
At a restaurant in the city center, we’ll have a tasty set menu with a choice of two beverages included; other beverages available for purchase.
In the afternoon, we will depart for a walk to the private Sephardic Museum. This tiny private museum opened its doors in 2013. Founded by a Jewish couple, the owners themselves welcome visitors to a typical house where you can see all kinds of objects of day-to-day life, including a collection of objects of Jewish worship, maps and books on Jewish history or traditions. It is located in the heart of the old Jewish quarter through which we will also take a short walk.
On your own to sample the local cuisine
At leisure. Be sure to prepare for check-out and transfer in the morning.
Activity Note
The transfer to Seville through Córdoba is about 215 miles. Approx. 5 hours total. Walking up to 4 miles throughout the day; cobblestone streets. Comfortable and sturdy footwear recommended.
Hotel Buffet
Once checked out of the hotel, we’ll begin our transfer to Seville, but not before stopping in Córdoba, the crossroads of civilizations, and mainstay of Islamic and Jewish heritage in Spain. While here, we’ll enjoy expert-led explorations of the Great Mosque and Cathedral, and pass by one of the last-standing ancient synagogues in Spain. We’ll stroll through the geranium-filled Judería, once Córdoba's Jewish Quarter, and site of a monument to the famous philosopher Maimónides.
At a typical restaurant in Córdoba, we’ll have a set menu with a choice of one beverage included; other beverages available for purchase.
We expect to arrive in Seville late afternoon. After checking in at the hotel and settling into your room, take some time to freshen up and relax before an orientation about the local program and an introductory walk.
At a local restaurant in Seville we’ll have a set menu with a choice of one beverage included; other beverages available for purchase.
At leisure.
Activity Note
Walking up to 4 miles; cobblestone streets,Steady pace; Sturdy comfortable footwear is highly recommended.
At the hotel, we’ll enjoy a tasty breakfast buffet featuring a variety of hot and cold items including egg dishes, breakfast breads and meats, cereals, fresh fruit, milk juice, coffee, tea, water.
At The Center for Cross-Cultural Studies headquarters (CC-CS) participate in a lively discussion with a specialist expert on the history, culture, and art of bullfighting. Then, we will meet with a local historian who will walk us into the Cathedral, one of the world´s largest and packed with historic treasures and art. The 343-ft bell tower, the Giralda, the symbol of Seville, is in fact all that remains of the mosque built before the Christians conquered the city in 1248. It was used as a cathedral until earthquake damage caused the Christians to start building a Gothic cathedral on the site in 1401. Construction lasted more than 100 years, paid for partly by gold and silver from the New World. One altar is made entirely of Mexican silver.
On your own to enjoy what you like. On-site staff will be happy to make suggestions.
Meet with local families, learn all about the realities of family life in Spain, as you enjoy an afternoon snack at their homes.
On your own to enjoy what you like. On-site staff will be happy to make suggestions.
At leisure.
Activity Note
Walking up to 4 miles; cobblestone streets, steps. Steady pace; Sturdy comfortable footwear is highly recommended
Hotel buffet
At the Center for Cross-Cultural Studies participate in a lively discussion with a specialist expert on the art of flamenco dance and music. Afterwards we will depart for walk with our Group Leader to the extraordinary Alcázar Royal Palace and gardens and meet a local expert who will guide our explorations. This UNESCO listed World Heritage Site incorporates architectural and artistic influences from its beginnings as a Moorish fort into the Middle Ages and on through the Renaissance and Baroque eras to the 19th century. Still used by the royal family, it is the oldest royal palace in Europe and one of the most beautiful with its striking Mudéjar (Moorish influenced) design and ornamentation. Next, we will visit Seville's oldest neighborhood, the Barrio de Santa Cruz. During medieval times, this neighborhood was the Jewish quarter and it is home to many of Seville's oldest churches including the Cathedral that in 1898 became the reputed final resting place of Christopher Columbus.
On your own to enjoy what you like in Seville. On-site staff will be happy to make suggestions.
In the afternoon, we will walk to a local “tablao” and see flamenco come alive at a show in a comfortable theater setting.
At a restaurant close to the flamenco show, we’ll have a late dinner of a set menu with a choice of one beverage; other beverages available for purchase.
Rest up for our last full day tomorrow!
Activity Note
Driving approx. 12 miles throughout the day. Walking up to 4 miles; cobblestone streets, steps, some inclines. Steady pace; Sturdy comfortable footwear is highly recommended.
Hotel Buffet
We will depart by private bus for a field trip to the Roman ruins of Itálica, just outside Seville, for an expert-led exploration with a local historian of this birthplace of two Roman emperors. Afterwards, we will return to Seville to have a hands-on cooking class led by a local chef. We will learn about and cook the most popular traditional Spanish dish: Paella.
Share your favorite experiences with your new Road Scholar friends over a tasty Paella for your Farewell lunch.
Take the remainder of the afternoon to pack, buy souvenirs, explore on your own or just relax.
On your own to sample the local cuisine.
Prepare for departure in the morning and get a good night's rest.
Activity Note
Hotel check-out by 12:00 Noon. See your program’s travel details/transportation regarding transfers.
Hotel buffet. This concludes our program
If you are returning home, safe travels. If you are staying on independently, have a wonderful time. If you are transferring to another Road Scholar program, detailed instructions are included in your Information Packet for that program. We hope you enjoy Road Scholar learning adventures and look forward to having you on rewarding programs in the future. Don’t forget to join our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram. Best wishes for all your journeys!

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