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The Legacy of the Maya: Archaeology of the Northern Yucatan

Program No. 22516RJ
Discover the ancient ruins of the Maya people and learn about the importance of water to their cities and way of life. Meet local archaeologists for a scientific look into Maya culture.

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At a Glance

The ancient Maya of the Yucatan knew that water was crucial to their health and well being — so much, in fact, that they built sacred sites around their water sources to protect them. Under the tutelage of archaeologists and Maya experts, get a first-hand look into an array of Maya ruins in the Northern Yucatan and learn how water impacted their cities, beliefs and eventually their downfall. Throughout your adventure, thrill in the beauty of local cenotes — natural pits filled with crystal-clear groundwater —hike to remote ruins and enjoy opportunities to observe birds and wildlife in the rainforest.
Activity Level
Let's Go!
Walking up to three hours at a time over varied terrain. Hot/humid weather conditions increase level of difficulty. Climbing steep steps without railings at archaeological sites.
Small Group
Small Group
Love to learn and explore in a small-group setting? These adventures offer small, personal experiences with groups of 13 to 24 participants.

What You'll Learn

  • Get an archaeologist-led look into investigating Maya sites as you explore the Pre-classic city of Kiuic.
  • Discover how the Maya built their pyramidal structures at Uxmal, considered by many to be one of the most beautiful Maya sites.
  • Delve into Itza and Maya history at Chichen Itza, known for the Kukulkan pyramid that served as an astronomical calendar for the Maya.
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