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South Carolina

Birding the Lowcountry

Program No. 20959RJ
With its salt marshes, abundant forests, coastal estuaries and diverse wildlife refuges, South Carolina’s Lowcountry is a haven for both birds and birders alike.

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At a Glance

Bring your binoculars for an adventure that’s perfect for novice birders. South Carolina’s Lowcountry, woven with salt marshes, blackwater swamps and hardwood forests, is a veritable haven for more than 250 bird species, including endangered species, threatened species and species of concern. Learn birding techniques, then hone them as you observe birds during migration along the Atlantic Flyway. Spot shorebirds, raptors, songbirds and other seasonal travelers on field trips to the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Bear Island and Pinckney Island. Possible species include White Pelicans, Prothonotary Warblers, Purple Gallinules, Wood Storks and others.
Activity Level
Outdoor: No Sweat
Walking up to 2-3 miles over uneven terrain; climbing in and out of a 15 passenger bus; standing for up to two hours at a time while viewing through spotting scopes and binoculars.
Small Group
Small Group
Love to learn and explore in a small-group setting? These adventures offer small, personal experiences with groups of 13 to 24 participants.

What You'll Learn

  • Search for the protected red-cockaded woodpecker during an excursion to the Webb Wildlife Center.
  • Enjoy special field trips to sites in the ACE Basin and Port Royal Sound.
  • Savor the cuisine of the Lowcountry as you enjoy an oyster roast, Lowcountry Boil, Hoppin’ John and more.

General Notes

The Retreat Difference: This unique, often basic and no-frills experience at a Road Scholar Retreat includes opportunities for light exercise, interaction with the local community, an authentic farm-to-table or locally sourced meal and evening entertainment on at least one night. All Road Scholar birding programs have a maximum participant-to-instructor ratio of 7:1 in the field. We adhere to the American Birding Association’s Code of Ethics. Learn more at Due to the nature of this program, listening devices are not available.
Featured Expert
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Elizabeth Anderegg
A graduate of the College of Charleston, Elizabeth Anderegg is a lifelong canoeist who discovered kayaking when her two daughters grew older and preferred their boating independence. Since 2006, she has served as a kayak and birding expert for Nature Adventures Outfitters. Now an ACA Kayak Instructor and a South Carolina Coastal Master Naturalist, Elizabeth brings to Road Scholar her love of nature and the outdoors, and her love of sharing these with others.

Please note: This expert may not be available for every date of this program.

Profile Image of Elizabeth Anderegg
Elizabeth Anderegg View biography
A graduate of the College of Charleston, Elizabeth Anderegg is a lifelong canoeist who discovered kayaking when her two daughters grew older and preferred their boating independence. Since 2006, she has served as a kayak and birding expert for Nature Adventures Outfitters. Now an ACA Kayak Instructor and a South Carolina Coastal Master Naturalist, Elizabeth brings to Road Scholar her love of nature and the outdoors, and her love of sharing these with others.
Profile Image of Bob Speare
Bob Speare View biography
Bob Speare has been a professional naturalist for over 25 years. He enjoys teaching about all aspects of natural history and has conducted birding tours across the US and internationally. Bob moved from Massachusetts to the Lowcountry in 2015. He is certified as a Lowcountry Master Naturalist and a South Carolina Master Gardener, and regularly works with the Audubon Society. Bob has also conducted photography programs and trips for over 20 years and has experience in teaching adult, children and family programs.
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While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of our published materials, programs are typically advertised more than a year prior to their start date. As a result, some program activities, schedules, accommodations, personnel, and other logistics occasionally change due to local conditions or circumstances. Should a major change occur, we will make every effort to alert you. For less significant changes, we will update you during orientation. Thank you for your understanding.
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6 days
5 nights
14 meals
5 B 4 L 5 D
Check-in, Registration, Orientation, Welcome Dinner
Ridgeland, SC
LifeTides Institute's Community of Cottages

Activity note: Check in from 4:00 p.m.

Afternoon: Arrive at Palm Key between 4:00-5:30 p.m. to check in and pick up program materials. Once you are settled into your room, meet the others who are sharing your cottage and enjoy a chat on the back porch. At 5:30 pm, meet and greet other participants at a little party before dinner.

Dinner: You are probably hungry after traveling, so enjoy the first of our sumptuous lowcountry dinners, served at 6:00 pm. Join other scholars to compare notes about previous programs and follow up on earlier conversations. Don't miss the dessert buffet!

Evening: After dinner, join us for a short orientation as the Group Leader and instructors review the up-to-date program schedule, discuss roles and responsibilities, logistics, safety guidelines, emergency procedures, and answer questions. We will review COVID-19 protocols and will adhere to local COVID-19 guidelines and requirements throughout the program. Finally, we'll talk about some of the birds you might expect to see this week and have a preview of the places we'll visit. Please note that Indicated times are approximate. Program activities, schedules, and personnel may need to change due to local circumstances including weather and seasonal hunting restrictions. In the event of changes, we will alert you as quickly as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

Pinckney Island Wildlife Refuge Birding
Ridgeland, SC
LifeTides Institute's Community of Cottages

Activity note: Comfortable walking shoes, binoculars, Sibley's Guide, and sunscreen are recommended. Short bus rides to birding locations. You will be walking on uneven terrain, standing for periods of 30 min. or more while looking at birds. Getting on/off a 15-passenger van.

Breakfast: Breakfast will be served starting at 8:00 am. Fuel up on our sumptuous low country breakfast--you'll have an active day! Will it be grits and eggs? Or is it an oatmeal day? Come dressed for birding.

Morning: With breakfast over, it's time to get down to the business of birding! Today we’ll be introduced to some of our local birds, which include a variety of waterbirds such as herons and egrets, songbirds (like sparrows), warblers, wrens and perhaps raptors such as red-shouldered and red-tailed hawks. Appropriately dressed, well-equipped with binoculars, your bird ID book and a water bottle, we'll set out to visit several wildlife refuges. Be prepared to stop along the way and spend some quality time in the bus discussing the birds we see. Our instructors will highlight the day's likely sightings: Carolina Wren, Little Blue Heron, Belted Kingfisher and much more. Alligators and turtles, though not on your bird list, are still exciting to see!

Lunch: Today's lunch will be a picnic, prepared by us from the delicious lunch buffet at breakfast. Did you make a sandwich out of whole-grain bread? Or choose trail mix, nuts, and fruit? Or both? Whatever you fixed, you'll enjoy it while we talk about what we've seen and what we hope to see.

Afternoon: Enjoy the beauty of the refuges as we bird from one place to another. Everyone's eager, but we're being polite and letting everyone take a look through our spotting scopes. Pinckney Island Wildlife Refuge, our destination this afternoon, is a former plantation made up of a wide variety of land types: salt marsh, forestland, brushland, fallow field and freshwater ponds. These habitats support a diversity of bird and plant life. On Pinckney, we have the opportunity to see waterfowl, shorebirds, wading birds, raptors, neo-tropical migrants, white-tailed deer, and alligators. The area is rich in white ibis, herons, and egrets. If you want help extra help with bird ID, just let our instructors know--they are always happy to help and share their knowledge!

Dinner: Back at Palm Key, showered and relaxed, it's time to enjoy a leisurely lowcountry dinner. Will it be rosemary chicken and brown rice? Or long-simmered roast beef with salad? Or savory southern barbecue? Whatever the menu, you'll surely enjoy it!

Evening: After dinner, join us for one of our popular evening programs. We always try to offer you the opportunity to use your brain cells after supper--as well as relax, have some fun, and learn more about the lowcountry.

Birding in the Ace Basin & More
Ridgeland, SC
LifeTides Institute's Community of Cottages

Activity note: Wear comfortable shoes, you will likely do a lot of walking and standing as you take in the birds and different sights. Plan to ride on the bus from 30 minutes to 1 hour. You will be walking on uneven terrain, standing for periods of 30 min. or more while looking at birds. Getting on/off a 15-passenger van.

Breakfast: Start the morning out right with a delicious low country breakfast at 8:00 a.m. Is today the day you'll try grits? Or is fruit and toast more your style? Be sure to fill your plate: you'll need energy for today's outing! And don't forget, you'll want to pack your lunch before making your final preparations for the morning's birding extravaganza.

Morning: We're visiting some gems today: Sites within the ACE Basin are recognized as some of the best birding areas of the state. Besides a wide variety of year-round common and migratory species who are regularly here. Bear Island, Donnelly Wildlife Management Area and Bennett’s Point have been known to host a number of uncommon birds: Roseate Spoonbill, Black Rail, American Avocet, Hudsonian Godwit, and a variety of shorebirds. Who knows what birds we might see?

Lunch: Today we enjoy a bag lunch--did you bring a boiled egg and craisins or a turkey and cheese sandwich? We hope you picked up a homemade cookie at the buffet this morning!

Afternoon: This afternoon is a continuation of the morning--birding by foot, by eye, by ear. Keep a snack out of your lunch to enjoy during the mid-afternoon--you'll be glad you did!

Dinner: At 6:00 p.m. we'll enjoy another lovely lowcountry meal--maybe fish tonight, with black-eyed pea salad! Swap stories about the day's adventures with your table-mates, and don't forget the dessert!

Evening: This evening, join us for a program on South Carolina's lowcountry and its history and culture. The LifeTides Institute is known for its engaging presenters and interesting programs. Whatever it is, you don't want to miss it.

Birding On & Around Hilton Head Island
Ridgeland, SC
LifeTides Institute's Community of Cottages

Activity note: Pack your scopes and binoculars, sunshade and insect repellant. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing as you will do plenty of walking and standing. The bus ride to Hilton Head is about 1 hour. You will be walking on uneven terrain, standing for periods of 30 min. or more while looking at birds. Getting on/off a 15-passenger van.

Breakfast: As always, be sure to fuel up with a delicious lowcountry breakfast. Don't forget to prepare your bagged lunch for later!

Morning: Load up the bus! It's time to head out to Hilton Head Island. Known for its beaches and golf courses, Hilton Head Island also features a number of terrific birding locations. We’ll visit a beach site known for some of the best shorebirds in the area including Ruddy Turnstone, Back Skimmer, and the nationally threatened Piping Plover.

Lunch: We'll have a healthy picnic lunch on our outing. Was it turkey today? Or organic peanut butter? Soy nuts or craisins? There's something for everyone.

Afternoon: After lunch we'll continue our field trip in the Hilton Head area, exploring some forested and freshwater habitats to search for any songbirds, raptors, and waterbirds we may not have seen yet.

Dinner: This evening, we'll meet for another lovely lowcountry meal--maybe shrimp and grits, or barbeque ribs and the fixings. You will have worked up an appetite today!

Evening: This evening, join us for a program on South Carolina's lowcountry and its history and culture. The LifeTides Institute is known for its engaging presenters and interesting programs.

Webb Wildlife Center & More
Ridgeland, SC
LifeTides Institute's Community of Cottages

Activity note: Webb is a one-hour bus ride west of LifeTides' location. Make sure you again wear your most comfortable footwear as there will be walking on uneven terrain and standing for periods of time up to 30 minutes or more; getting on/off a 15-passenger van. Hats and sunblock, depending on the time of year, are advised.

Breakfast: What will it be this morning? Ham and eggs? Homemade bread? Or maybe a bowl of fruit? But don't be late: we have a busy day ahead! (Don't forget to pack your lunch.)

Morning: After breakfast we all load up in the bus and travel to Webb Wildlife Center. Webb Wildlife Center contains longleaf pine forest, the preferred habitat of the Red Cockaded Woodpecker, a jewel in this program’s crown. This morning, Scholars will bird in hardwood forest, blackwater swamp, and the aforesaid longleaf pine forest.

Lunch: Once again, we'll picnic on our outing--what did you choose today? Whatever it is, it's sure to be healthy and delicious.

Afternoon: We continue the fun into the mid afternoon. This is a full and active day, but it's not over yet.

Dinner: Dinner begins early tonight with an old-timey Oyster Roast (weather and availability dependent)! Come join us at 5:00 p.m. as we steam fresh, local oysters over an open fire. Don't know how to open oysters? You can learn by doing--and eating. And then--it's time for another lowcountry dinner!

Evening: After dinner, you won’t want to miss the wrap-up party. This is our last evening, and we can’t let it go by without doing it up special. Everyone will find something to enjoy as we share highlights from the week over dessert (if you still have room). You don’t want to miss this--but to tell you more right now would be to spoil it! If you brought one with you, do bring your musical instrument to our gathering spot.

Program Concludes
Ridgeland, SC

Breakfast: Breakfast is at 8:00 a.m., and it's your last chance for grits! If you haven’t tried them yet, you just have to have some today. You’ll want to eat heartily, as today you will be packing up and leaving us for wherever your road takes you.

Morning: This morning, after telling parting stories, asking questions, issuing invitations, or listening to one more joke from you-know-who, it’s off to pack up and prepare for departure. We hope you’ll stay in the area and do some more exploring—and/or birding--ask the staff for recommendations and directions. We’d love to share more of South Carolina and the lowcountry with you! This concludes our program. If you are returning home, safe travels. If you are staying on independently, have a wonderful time. If you are transferring to another Road Scholar program, detailed instructions are included in your Information Packet for that program. We hope you enjoy Road Scholar learning adventures and look forward to having you on rewarding programs in the future. Don’t forget to join our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram. Best wishes for all your journeys!

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