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Program No. 10137RJ
From the floor of the world’s largest flower auction to prized botanical gardens to the works of the Golden Age Masters, discover the history of the iconic tulip.

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At a Glance

In the early 17th century, amateur speculators in North Holland sold their farms and possessions to bet big on the hottest new commodity on the market: tulips. First imported from Turkey in the mid-1600s, the bloom became a status symbol and extraordinarily expensive luxury during the Dutch Golden Age. At the height of tulip mania, 12 acres of land were reportedly offered for a single Semper Augustus bulb. Learn the story of the tulip craze, go inside today’s evolved tulip industry and discover the flower’s lofty place in Dutch culture.
Activity Level
Keep the Pace
Walking up to two hours / two miles at a time, sometimes twice per day; cobblestones and many unavoidable stairs. Public transportation used throughout the program.

What You'll Learn

  • On the floor of the world’s largest flower auction watch as more than 20 million flowers are bought and sold in a daily flurry of activity.
  • A tulip farmer discusses the art and the business of growing tulip bulbs at his farm.
  • Art experts at museums in Amsterdam highlight Vermeer, Frans Hals and other masters of the Dutch Golden Age.
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22 Meals
11 Breakfasts
6 Lunches
5 Dinners
The following choices may be available when requested in advance: Low Fat, Low Salt, Vegetarian, Gluten Free
Lodgings may differ by date. Select a date to see the lodgings specific to that date.
Showing Lodging For:
Apr 28, 2025 - May 10, 2025
  • Apr 28, 2025 - May 10, 2025
  • Apr 21, 2025 - May 03, 2025 (Haarlem to Ghent)
  • Apr 28, 2025 - May 10, 2025 (Haarlem to Ghent)
6 nights
Location: 2012 DB Haarlem
Intimate 4-star hotel in the heart of Haarlem. The Carlton Square Hotel combines international allure with luxurious ambiance and hospitality.
5 nights
Location: Ghent
The Ghent River Hotel is situated on the river Leie, just a few minutes walk from the "vrijdagsmarkt" - one of the biggest squares in Ghent, home of the famous statue of Jacob Van Artevelde. Thanks to the ancient pier, this hotel is the only one in Ghent that can be reached by boat. The site encompasses two buildings: a renaissance house dated 1518, and a rice mill built on a former sugar refinery dated 1857. The building also served as a cotton spinning mill in 1873, a warehouse in 1879, and a steam actuated baker in 1892.
6 nights
Location: 2012 DB Haarlem
Intimate 4-star hotel in the heart of Haarlem. The Carlton Square Hotel combines international allure with luxurious ambiance and hospitality.
5 nights
Location: Ghent
The Ghent River Hotel is situated on the river Leie, just a few minutes walk from the "vrijdagsmarkt" - one of the biggest squares in Ghent, home of the famous statue of Jacob Van Artevelde. Thanks to the ancient pier, this hotel is the only one in Ghent that can be reached by boat. The site encompasses two buildings: a renaissance house dated 1518, and a rice mill built on a former sugar refinery dated 1857. The building also served as a cotton spinning mill in 1873, a warehouse in 1879, and a steam actuated baker in 1892.

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